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    • Certificate &
      Degree Courses
    • renowned

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Courses Based on
Career Opportunity

Advanced AI Based learning

Anytime, Anywhere

Live Interaction
With Faculty
AI Based Advanced
Learning Program
Best E-learning company
of the year

Edtech Review 2019

Best in Digital
Marketing (Education)

ET Now 2019

Best use of
ICT in Education

Assocham India 2018

Best use of
ICT in Education

Assocham India 2018

Hear it from Our Learners

Abhinav Kaul
Abhinav Kaul (Director - Commercial operations)
Philips India Ltd.

An excellent experience overall - hopefully will turn out life changing as I start to now begin life anew. Prof Singhal has been outstanding teacher - his ability to hold your attention on the topic is amazing.

Byju Ravindran
Byju Ravindran (Sr. Test Engineering Manager)
Dell EMC

The program was delivered in very friendly timings for a working professional like me. It covered all important business aspects and gave a good overview. There were lots of course material and good examples which helped pick up the concepts well.

Vijayeta Sharma
Vijayeta Sharma (Sr. Operations Manager)
IIIT Bangalore

It was pleasant and glitch free experience. For 20 + sessions never had any issues of accessibility. Kudos to team for timely reminders and solving all queries on time and even when unexpected situations like Covid-19 occurred team Talentedge was really quick in working it out to continue the sessions as required. Overall happy and completed the course without any problems from platform. Thank you.

Smita Kulkarni
Smita Kulkarni (Freelance Trainer)

Excellent program delivered by best faculty! Never felt it's online , but live interactions with faculty, best way of teaching, case studies apt for the subject, mind blowing simulation for experiential learning! Humbled by the experience.! Thank you XLRI.

Sthiti Ranjan Sarangi
Sthiti Ranjan Sarangi (Leader, Engineering)
2nd line Manager, CISCO SYSTEM

This course help me to thinking differently on the topics which is important to leadership. Leadership is all about self-discovery and what is real me. It was an eye opener for me to realize myself and then understand the fine details to transform myself as a better person. I recommend all individual or leaders with more than 15 yrs. of experience to take this course and realize the importance of 'Real ME and WHO AM I?.