Over the past 100 years or maybe even more of the history of supply chain management has matured from an initial target on improvising comparatively simple, but very labour-intensive procedures to the present day engineering and managing of immensely compound global networks. In this article, you will be able to comprehend the brilliant infographic of the history of supply chain management. A candidate who is keen to learn the history of Supply Chain Networks may also prefer to study supply chain management online certificate courses or XLRI supply chain management course that can provide him/her with the luxury to master his/her knowledge in the industry.


Roots of Supply Chain Management

Both operations research and industrial engineering have their roots in logistics. Fredrick Taylor, who introduced the book ‘The Principles Of Scientific Management’ in 1911 into the society, and is acknowledged as the father of industrial engineering, concentrated his initial research on how to advance manual loading procedures.


Operations Research started when scientists demonstrated the value of analytics in the study of military logistics issues in the 1940s as a consequence of the complicated needs of World War II.


While Operations Research and Industrial Engineering have both tried to preserve separate identities, a lot of their immense successes have taken place when utilised in an integrated framework to talk about logistics and supply chain problems. With time, it began to be referred to as ‘Supply Chain Engineering’ by the industry.


The Revolution 

The logistics boom was sustained further in the 1990s by the evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning systems. These systems were stimulated in parts by the victories achieved by Material Requirements Planning systems established in the 1970s and 1980s. These were stimulated in part by the ambition to integrate the multiple databases that were there in existence in almost all the organisations and, in part by involvements that existing systems may have calamitous failures as a result of not being capable of handling the year 2000. In spite of some serious problems in getting the EPR systems installed and working, by 2000, almost all the large-scale organisations had installed EPR Systems. The consequence of this change to EPR systems was a brilliant improvement in data accuracy and availability.


To Sum It Up! 

Since the 1980s, computer technology has enhanced at such an extraordinary rate that it is now far ahead of the capability of supplying and logistics field to competently use the new and upcoming technologies. The communication abilities have discreetly changed the way the society thinks about information sharing and communication. In order to master the knowledge in the concerned field such as the early years of supply chain management, globalisation and supply chains, a professional must study in brief Logistics & supply chain management online course or XLRI supply chain management course so as to be an outstanding asset for any organisation that they work for after their certification.



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