Categories: Human Resource Management

How to Improve Team Performance?

You might have read many tips on how to improve your performance at work. Applying a lot of those tips would have definitely helped you to work in a more focused manner. Similarly, there are many tips to improve team performance which can actually make a big impact on business. Strategic performance management is about both individual and team performance. So let’s focus on how team performance can be improved by taking a few steps.

  1. Emphasis on common goals – For a team to perform well, they need to believe and work towards the goals in a cohesive manner. So emphasizing on common goals for the business or department, as a whole rather than only on their individual goals is more important. It gives the team more clarity, motivates them and ensures collective accountability.
  2. Connection of rewards to team performance – Many organizations use this approach and it works very well if the rewards are designed. Linking the rewards to team performance and its achievement is very important. So at least some component or portion of the variable compensation should be aligned to how the team performs.
  3. Creation of a positive team climate – The team performance improves when there is positivity and collaboration within the team members. If they bond with each other, have each other’s interests in mind and appreciate the effort of all members, it results in a great work environment. That in turn impacts performance. Friction will definitely be there, since that is natural, but as a manager or team member you need to realize it, and then try to find solutions to address it immediately.
  4. Clear communication – Regular meetings to share what performance metrics all the team members are being evaluated on, is what is needed. So clear communication on these fronts, through team meetings will definitely help the members to be more aligned and receptive. They will also be most engaged when they know that the metrics apply to all of them. So you must make sure that team meetings have such messages in.

Team performances can actually build or break businesses. That is the power of collective purpose and performance. So do remember to harness it well and channelise in the right direction.

ashish sharma :