Categories: leadership

How to Set and Accomplish Leadership Goals?

Most of us get charged up at some point and set ourselves goals to accomplish. However, for most of us the motivation dies out before we know it, procrastination sets in and the goal is lost in the pile of to-do lists.

Goals are an important thing. If you want to accomplish much in life, having goals is important. They serve as checkposts for your life’s path. If you’re unhealthy and you want to be healthy, you have to set health goals and achieve them, otherwise your body would stop supporting you. If you want a flourishing business, you have to set business goals and achieve them, or else you might end up having to work a 9 to 5.

So, if you want your life to take a U-turn for the better, then you have to set goals and keep at them. Here are a few ways in which you can actually achieve your goals:

  1. See Your Goal, Literally: Yes, if you are able to visualize your goal, then there are better chances of you achieving it. Visual cues have a more lasting impact on one’s brain than just written words. For example, you want to win a golf championship, you can look at the picture of the last golf champion picking up the trophy and visualize yourself doing the same, everyday. Your brain would register where it wants to get and you would get into the process.
  2. Focus on the Process: Once you can visualize your goal, focus on the process or systems that will help you get there. For example, once you know and visualize yourself as having written the next bestseller, you focus on writing the requisite number of words each day or each week. The final goal is achieved only when the process is followed to the tee. Hence, setting a process of writing just 500 words a day, every day will give you  a 90,000 words book in just six months. You could actually write two books of that size in a year!
  3. Announce Your Goal: One of the best ways to put your goal in perspective is to announce it to the world, as in at least your social circle. Letting people know what you want to do builds a certain degree of social responsibility of achieving that task. You know you have set expectations towards yourself and now you need to fulfil those expectations.
  4. Have a Goal-Buddy: This is regarded as one of the sweetest ways to achieve your goal. Achieving a goal alone can often be filled with monotony too soon, setting in procrastination and then demise of the goal. Having a goal-buddy means there are two of you who wish to achieve something similar. For example, if there are two of you who wish to lose weight, you can both push each other to the gym each day and egg each other on until you achieve your individual weight goals.

Use the above ways to set your goals and achieve them too and lead a better, more fulfilling life. Doing a leadership courses may also be helpful in developing one’s goal-setting and accomplishing abilities.

ashish sharma :