Categories: Blockchain

5 Reasons Why a Professional Certification in Blockchain will Boost your Career

Blockchain is here to stay Period.

And it’s moving fast to make way into our lives. If you are still cemented to your desk, working Java codes or messing with PowerBuilder, you are probably living in the past. Things have changed now. You need to take a leap and walk in line with the latest technologies where Blockchain is leading. Learn blockchain while it is still in its infancy.

Here are 5 reasons you should absolutely invest in a certified online blockchain course:-

Jobs Galore

One of the key reasons you should be pursuing a certified online blockchain course is that it offers the most promising career options. It is expected for this technology to grow in the future, and thus there is going to be a humongous demand in this sector.

Job Roles you can Pursue After Completing a Certified Online Blockchain Course:-

  • Senior software engineer, cryptocurrency
  • Cryptocurrency Analyst
  • Cryptocurrency Developer
  • Cryptocurrency Trader
  • Cryptocurrency Mining Technician
  • Direct Sales Associate – Cryptocurrency
  • Systems Engineer (Trading Cryptocurrency)
  • Cloud Engineer with Bitcoin protocol / Blockchain
  • Bitcoin Full-Stack Developer
  • Cryptocurrency Research Analyst (Internship)

Added Weightage to Resume

Adding skills to your resume is a great way to ensure a career boost. Blockchain being the latest technology and its applications spread across different sectors, knowing this segment gives the perfect start to your career as a tech professional. And, an executive course in blockchain can help you understand the complexities of blockchain along with its latest applications.

Secured Job

Job security is something that everyone looks for while signing up for a job role. If you are also looking for a secured job option, then you must opt for an executive course in blockchain. Since this technology is expected to grow exponentially in the upcoming years, you are assured of a secure job in this sector.

Industries On Blockchain

Another reason to pursue certified online blockchain courses is that this technology is playing a dominant role in terms of technology in the market. Banking isn’t the only industry that is being affected by this ultra-modern technology. Supermarkets, energy, resources, finance, health care, and many other sectors could also incorporate blockchain to ensure future growth. The more the industries and sectors get in the loop, the more number of jobs will be created, ensuring high demand for blockchain experts.

Single Infrastructure, Multiple Usages

Well, blockchain is a technology that is going to find different applications in almost all sectors of the economy, whether it is healthcare, finance, real estate, or NGOs. You can find its application everywhere. With multiple uses, this sector is predicted to produce high paying and secure jobs.

Blockchain technology is a game-changer for economies, governments, and businesses. It has the potential to disrupt various industries starting from the supply chain, finance, and ranging to banking, real estate, and voting systems. Therefore, professionals across different domains are upskilling themselves to understand this technology. And, if you too are willing to make a career in this field, then you should enroll for an executive course in blockchain. Learning this skill will boost your career in the right direction.

Blockchain technology is taking the global job markets by storm and is estimated to accumulate $25 billion in revenue by 2025. Business organizations can cut their operational and infrastructure costs by over 30 per cent using Blockchain. Business organizations must equip their mid and senior-level managers with blockchain online certification courses and preserve their market share.

What is Blockchain?

It is an enormous and decentralized repository of transactions maintained by multiple independent sources. The transactions registered in the blockchain have the attributes of security and irreversibility.

The applications of blockchain in modern enterprises are endless. Blockchain will usher in a revolution in how organizations conduct business over the next 10 years. Blockchain can be used in Data management, Regulatory compliance, Critical infrastructure Security and Internet advertising.

Who is Hiring?

  • Major players in the crypto job market such as startups, tech conglomerates, legacies and governments are vigorously recruiting Blockchain technology professionals who have completed Blockchain online courses.
  • Big legacy companies like banks and accountancy firms were first slow to catch up with the blockchain revolution. Now they’re firing all cylinders to attract the best talent to help them keep abreast with the blockchain technology.
  • Big Tech firms such as Google and Facebook are adapting fast to the need for decentralizing their services. High priority is placed on investing in the best professionals who have completed blockchain online courses to benefit their businesses.

Who is Being Hired?

Due to the dynamic nature of Blockchain technology, people from multifaceted backgrounds are hired in this industry. The new hires fall into two categories:-

  • Software developers and engineers with a background in Java, Python and C++ need to hit the ground running by gaining familiarity with new coding languages such as Ethereum’s Solidity and Ripple protocol. Blockchain online courses from XLRI offered by Talentedge impart an extensive and lucid application-oriented understanding of the latest developments across all Blockchain platforms.
  • Non-techies like lawyers, accountants and marketers are also an important component of the Blockchain ecosystem and they can climb the corporate ladder quickly with the help of blockchain online certification

Avenues for Growth

The following are some of the skill sets that are needed to build an enriching career in the Blockchain and Crypto Industry.

  • Media: There will be a huge spurt in the creation of PR firms and media outlets to enable the blockchain industry to reach a wider audience
  • Legal Compliance: Cryptocurrencies are now in the crosshairs of various world governments and new laws are being made. Crypto experts and legal advisors can guide business organizations in drafting legal contracts and manage the legal side of operations.

Final Thoughts

Blockchain careers are now being considered as the hottest jobs in the market. Blockchain technology with its unbeatable features has the potential to transform the world’s industrial landscape. The best blockchain jobs are being taken over by those who can create new learning opportunities through blockchain online courses.

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divya solanki :