Categories: Supply Chain Management Course

9 Essential C’s Of Supply Chain Leadership You Need To Learn

The significance of effective supply chain leadership in the advancement of a business is certainly more defined nowadays. Whether it be a small, medium or multinational all across the world, the skills for supply chain leadership style are required to effectively cover the end to end supply chain and influence people.

9 C’s Of Supply Chain Leadership

With the help of this article, it will get easier for you to comprehend the 9 C’s of Supply Chain Leadership as they are listed below:-

1. Control and Command

These two are being taken together because it is complex to separate command from control or the other way around. Leaders function with a characterised order where everything is designed and arranged properly, but this style fails to work in a compound organisation where innovation is crucial. Supply Chain Management course or Supply Chain management course from XLRI serve the purpose of enhancing the skills for Supply Chain Leadership of the professionals that helps them in reducing the losses on a supply chain.

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2. Collaboration

When distinct teams come together to solve an issue, collaborative leadership style is considered to be more appropriate. The capability of managing different departments across an organisation effectively also needs a collaborative supply leadership skill in a supply chain leader and this can only be mastered with the help of a Supply Chain Management course or Supply Chain management course from XLRI.

3. Competency

Supply Chain leaders are naturally expected to be competent as it is the demand of the job that they are hired for.

4. Consistency

It is the most difficult to master over a long period of time, as numerous intervening situations affect the consistent accomplishment.

Also Read: Best Global Supply Chain Management Online Course in India

5. Consensus

It functions in an organisation where the employees are grouped into small teams that manage a specific task prior to when the final result is drafted.

6. Commitment

It is crucial for a good leader to be committed in order to become an idol and influential for the employees or subordinates.

7. Concern for the People

A concern or worry in leadership naturally demonstrates sensitivity to the feelings and experience for others.

8. Creativity

For a professional to be a great leader, creativity is the key. It has not been in the crucial topics but it is creativity that will improvise the general working environment and generate profitability for the organisation.

Summing Up!

Leadership itself is complicated and one of the most researched topics over the years. The roles of supply chain leadership have emerged over the years because of which, today it is not just about acquiring more practical knowledge, but also to be capable of processing a situation and managing a team from the beginning until the end, to advance productivity, and making a profit for the organisation. Being an efficient supply chain leader can be very demanding as the organisation’s supply chain operates in two directions both of which has to complement one another to work smoothly. These skills can be acquired with the help of a Supply Chain management course or even better, Supply Chain management course from XLRI.

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