Categories: Leadership & Change Management

Best Ways to Lead your Team Smartly

While others look for what they can take, a true leader gives back – Mufasa.

Whether you are aspiring to head a new team or you are taking over the reins of an existing one, leading a team for the first time can be intimidating. There’s no bedrock of personal experience that you can rely on. If you are a newbie team leader, then you are probably either relishing the challenge or considering running for the woods – or a bit of both.

The best course of action would be to pursue a leadership & change management online program, but this guide can get you started. So, here are the best ways to help you establish and maintain a productive, collaborative team while developing your leadership skill set along the way.

  • Take the Time Out to Lead

To be a powerful team leader, you need to invest time in the role. Too often, this responsibility becomes more of a burden, and a hefty addition to one’s to do’s list, thus setting on the path of failure. As a team leader, you need to be visible to your team and support them in every way you can. If you are predominately tied up in your own mess, you won’t be. So, make sure to review and re-negotiate workload before signing up for a leadership role.

  • Get to Know Your Team Inside-out

Leadership is all about influence and inspiration, not about domination or intimidation.

It might seem tempting to start making big changes from day one, but remember that you are not here to flex your ego. Take time to listen to your team; find out what they have been struggling from; what there aspiration and ideas are, and identify potential strengths and weaknesses.

  • Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

Communication is a well-known secret of great leadership.

It is imperative to keep your team members in the loop to build relationships, assess progress, and identify issues. Plus, you’ll get more engagement from them if they see you investing time and showing interest. So, it’s a win-win for you and your team to keep the communication channels open.

  • Lead by Example

Think about it – if you have a laid back attitude if you are arriving late to office, skipping deadlines, how will your team stay on track? You are their role model, so what you say, do, and how you act will impact the team’s daily work habits and attitudes. So, be honest, open, and passionate.

Learn More by Pursuing a Leadership & Change Management Online Program

A credible leadership & change management online program helps you polish your skills and ultimately, discover the leader in you. Training and leadership go hand-in-hand, which is why online courses such as online certification courses in leadership from XLRI focus not only on the theoretical aspect of leadership but also on the practical application. So, pursue these online certification courses in leadership from XLRI and learn how to lead smartly and effectively.

divya solanki :