Categories: Analytics

Importance Of Analytics For HR

Analytics is a term that is often heard nowadays in association with businesses. Companies generate a huge amount of data as part of their operations. Modern tools and techniques allow these large volumes of information to be used for making better business decisions. This is what analytics is all about. Though it is simply put, the process is complex and needs a lot of expertise and technical support. It has touched every aspect of corporate governance including human resource management.

Understanding HR Analytics

Like other departments, HR also has a large amount of information about employees and their functioning. There is also data pertaining to hiring. All the details are analyzed to find out how effective their employees are. It also helps to find out if a company’s hiring process is giving good results. The best online analytics courses say that HR analytics is very useful in getting better results from workers. More information about these courses is available here.

HR analytics will help a company improve its hiring process. It is also possible to know what improvements their staff members must undergo. This will result in organizing effective training programs. HR data can also be used to find out if the firm is on par with others when it comes to employee compensation. This knowledge will help in retaining good people. Companies can also alter their rewards and benefits programs. There are many ways HR analytics benefits organizations.

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Making Recruitment Process Easier

Instead of going by their gut feeling or intuition, analytics will help professionals hire candidates using data-driven insights. HR analytics helps in creating better job postings that can attract the best talents. Such analysis of data will also help in fixing suitable salaries and benefits to get better professionals. It also helps in knowing which forums to post job listings at. Management graduates can join a course for XLRI postgraduate certificate in business analytics to know more about HR analytics. One can know more about this course here.

Filling Jobs Quickly

If a vacancy remains unfilled, companies lose productivity and money. This is why it is essential for HR to reduce the time taken to hire people. Analytics can help human resources teams know how much time it takes for each step in recruitment. They can know where they are losing time and make changes to make every step quicker. A long recruitment process can leave many candidates disenchanted with a company. This could be one reason for losing good candidates. HR analytics can help avoid such a situation.

Employee Onboarding

This is always a difficult process both for employees and employers. Getting new entrants familiarized with corporate procedures and systems is not easy. One way to make this process smooth is to use organizational network analysis. This is a process where the movement of information through people in an establishment is analyzed and recorded. The best online analytics courses teach that companies can use this information to direct new staff members to friendly existing employees who can provide necessary details and make onboarding smooth.

Retaining Employees

Fast turnover of employees is a serious problem for many companies. It not only means more work for HR officials but also costs time and money. It is essential for all organizations to ensure good employees stay with them as long as possible. HR analytics can help find out factors that encourage staff to stay back. It is also possible to know if there is any particular reason that prompted workers to leave sooner. Using this information, changes can be made to ensure better people retention.

Training And Development

A major reason for people leaving a company is that they get stranded in one position. There are not enough opportunities to move forward. organizations must make sure that everyone gets opportunities to progress in their career. Developing skills is very essential for this purpose and firms must know what skills can help employees move forward in their jobs and contribute to the establishment’s profits. Analyzing company data helps in this. An XLRI postgraduate certificate in business analytics course teaches how to use analytics for this purpose.

Creating A Diverse Workforce

It is not just a company’s social responsibility to be inclusive in employing people from all segments. Studies prove that it is also highly beneficial to have a diverse workforce having workers from all genders and communities. HR analytics can help in getting details about how many persons from different communities get interviewed, hired, and move forward in their careers. Such an analysis will also uncover salary patterns. HR departments can also find out if there are any particular departments that are under-represented by certain communities.

What Can HR Analytics Track?

The metrics used by different companies may vary. But broadly there are certain parameters that are measured using analytics.

Recruitment And Onboarding – In this process, analytics can help in keeping count of employees in a company including a count of people in different departments, teams, job functions, etc. The best online analytics courses teach that it is possible to know different characteristics of employees like their age, gender, ethnicity, education, and length of service. Analyzing worker’s data also helps in knowing how long recruitment takes and how quickly onboarding is done.  It is also possible to know details about those who left within 6 months to one year.

Performance And Training – HR analytics allows you to track employee performance using various parameters. Companies can know what type of training program helped in improving productivity. Another important aspect that can be known from this analysis is the amount of revenue each employee brings to an organization. One can also know how satisfied staff members are by using existing and past data. The movement of people through a company and how much they stayed in each position can also be extracted.

Wrapping Up

Companies spend a lot of money on recruiting and retaining people. It is essential to know how beneficial this spending has been and find ways to earn more returns per employee. Attending a course for XLRI postgraduate certificate in business analytics can help HR personnel use analytics to avoid lengthy processes and reduce costs.

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