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14 Principles of Management by Henri Fayol

The principles of management are a set of guidelines that help managers to make effective decisions and manage their organizations efficiently. Henri Fayol, a French industrialist, is widely considered to be the father of modern management theory. He developed the 14 principles of management, which are still widely used today by managers across different industries. In this article, we will discuss the 14 principles of management and their significance.

  • Division of Work:
    The principle of division of work suggests that tasks should be divided and assigned to individuals based on their skills and abilities. By doing so, employees can become more proficient and specialized in their respective areas, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

  • Authority:
    Authority refers to the right to give orders and make decisions. The principle of authority suggests that managers should have the necessary authority to perform their duties effectively. This helps to create a clear chain of command, which ensures that orders are followed and tasks are completed efficiently.

  • Discipline:
    Discipline refers to the rules and regulations that govern an organization. The principle of discipline suggests that there should be a clear set of rules and consequences for not following them. This helps to create a culture of discipline, where employees understand the importance of following rules and regulations.

  • Unity of Command:
    The principle of unity of command suggests that employees should receive orders from only one manager. This helps to avoid confusion and ensures that employees are clear about their roles and responsibilities.

  • Unity of Direction:
    The principle of unity of direction suggests that all activities within an organization should be directed towards a common goal. This helps to create a sense of direction and purpose within the organization, which in turn leads to increased efficiency and productivity.

  • Subordination of Individual Interests to The General Interest:
    The principle of subordination of individual interests to the general interest suggests that the interests of the organization should take precedence over the interests of individuals. This helps to create a sense of teamwork and collaboration, where employees work towards a common goal.

  • Remuneration:
    Remuneration refers to the compensation that employees receive for their work. The principle of remuneration suggests that employees should be paid fairly and in accordance with their skills and abilities. This helps to create a motivated workforce, where employees feel valued and appreciated.

  • Centralization:
    Centralization refers to the degree to which decision-making is concentrated at the top of an organization. The principle of centralization suggests that decision-making should be centralized to ensure consistency and coherence in the organization’s operations.

  • Scalar Chain:
    The scalar chain refers to the hierarchy of authority within an organization. The principle of scalar chain suggests that there should be a clear chain of command, with each employee reporting to only one manager. This helps to ensure that orders are followed and tasks are completed efficiently.

  • Order:
    Order refers to the systematic arrangement of things and people. The principle of order suggests that there should be a place for everything and everything should be in its place. This helps to create a sense of organization and clarity, where employees know where to find things and what to do.

  • Equity:
    Equity refers to fairness and impartiality. The principle of equity suggests that employees should be treated fairly and impartially, without any discrimination or bias. This helps to create a positive work environment, where employees feel valued and respected.

  • Stability of Tenure of Personnel:
    The principle of stability of tenure of personnel suggests that employees should be given job security and should not be terminated without just cause. This helps to create a sense of loyalty and commitment among employees, who are more likely to stay with the organization in the long term.

  • Initiative:
    Initiative refers to the willingness of employees to take on new challenges and opportunities. The principle of initiative suggests that employees should be encouraged to take initiative and come up with new ideas and innovations. This helps to create a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, where employees are constantly looking for ways to improve processes and operations.

  • Esprit de Dorps:
    Esprit de corps refers to the sense of unity and camaraderie among employees. The principle of esprit de corps suggests that managers should encourage teamwork and create a sense of belonging among employees. This helps to create a positive work environment, where employees feel supported and motivated to achieve their goals.

Significance of the 14 Principles of Management

The 14 principles of management have been widely adopted by managers across different industries and have proven to be effective in improving organizational performance. These principles provide a framework for managers to make effective decisions and manage their organizations efficiently. They help to create a culture of discipline, where employees understand the importance of following rules and regulations. They also promote teamwork and collaboration, which leads to increased efficiency and productivity.

The principles of management also provide a basis for organizational structure and design. They help managers to create clear chains of command and ensure that tasks are assigned to individuals based on their skills and abilities. They also promote fairness and impartiality, which helps to create a positive work environment and improve employee morale.


  • Q: What is the significance of the 14 principles of management?
    Ans: The 14 principles of management provide a framework for managers to make effective decisions and manage their organizations efficiently. They promote a culture of discipline, teamwork, and innovation, which leads to increased efficiency and productivity.

  • Q: Who developed the 14 principles of management?
    Ans: The 14 principles of management were developed by Henri Fayol, a French mining engineer and management theorist.

  • Q: Are the 14 principles of management still relevant today?
    Ans: Yes, the principles of management are still relevant today and have been widely adopted by managers across different industries. They provide a basis for organizational structure and design and help managers to make effective decisions.

  • Q: How can the principles of management be applied in a modern organization?
    Ans: The principles of management can be applied in a modern organization by creating clear chains of command, promoting teamwork and collaboration, and encouraging innovation and continuous improvement.

  • Q: Can the principles of management be applied to any type of organization?
    Ans: Yes, the principles of management can be applied to any type of organization, regardless of size or industry. They provide a framework for managers to make effective decisions and manage their organizations efficiently.

The 14 principles of management developed by Henri Fayol provide a framework for managers to make effective decisions and manage their organizations efficiently. These principles have been widely adopted by managers across different industries and have proven to be effective in improving organizational performance. They promote a culture of discipline, teamwork, and innovation, which leads to increased efficiency and productivity. By following these principles, managers can create a positive work environment and improve employee morale, which ultimately leads to the success of the organization.

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