Categories: Digital Marketing Courses

Steps to Devising a Robust Digital Marketing Strategy in 2022

  • Looking to stay ahead of the digital marketing curve?
  • Aspiring to build a robust marketing campaign?
  • Not up-to-date with the latest themes and trends of digital marketing?

Online certification courses in digital marketing are the answer. However, you can discover the planning must-haves for robust digital marketing strategies in 2022 with this guide. So without further ado, let’s get you started!

8 Most Effective Digital Marketing Strategies to Try In 2022

1. Build Your Buyer Personas

Be it an online marketing strategy or offline; you need to know who you’ll be marketing to. The best digital marketing strategies rest on the pillars of detailed buyer personas, and your first step is to curate them. Buyer personas represent your ideal customers and can be created by researching, surveying, and analysing a business’s target audience. What’s critical to note here is that this information must be based on real data whenever possible as making assumptions on buyer personas can throw your marketing strategy off the rails.

2. Align the Goals with Your Current Strategy

The digital marketing goals must be tied back and in line with the primary goals of the business. For instance, if the business is looking to increase their online revenue, the marketing team must be able to generate enough leads to achieve that goal. Seems pretty straightforward, right? Well, a detailed understanding and exceptional experience are required to align organisational goals with digital marketing strategies. By enrolling for certification courses in digital marketing, you can gain the requisite knowledge and skills you need to ace this marketing facet.

3. Evaluate Your Existing Digital Channels and List the Ones You Can Leverage

With hundreds of online marketing channels available, digital marketing can become very overwhelming very quickly. To prevent that from happening, consider going back to the roots and review the existing digital marketing channels and assets to determine which ones can be leveraged. Gather whatever information you can and categorise each asset, so you have a clear picture of what you have and what you need. By exposing you to the latest, most popular digital marketing channels in the book, the MICA digital marketing course can help you do this effectively.

4. Audit and Plan Your Digital Media Campaigns

No matter the product or service you are promoting, the first thing you need to do is audit the past digital media campaigns. Be it Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Instagram promotions, leave no stone unturned; check every page, every list, every statistic and figure what worked and what didn’t. This can help you alter the next digital media campaign and refrain you from making the same mistakes.

Facets You Need to Audit

  • Existing content
  • Source of traffic
  • Social media analytics
  • Google analytics
  • Organic search results

5. Identify the Digital Marketing Tools You’ll Need

Digital marketing can be of significant importance to businesses if done effectively. But how will you know if you are going in the right direction? That’s the best part of digital marketing. Every foot traffic, every second logged, and even the source of traffic can be monitored and analysed. Dependable and efficient digital marketing tools are all you need. So identify the digital marketing tools you’ll need, gain prowess in the practical application of such tools, and you are all set.

Most certification courses in digital marketing offer knowledge of popular digital marketing tools. However, very few of them provide practical application. One such online course that does is the MICA digital marketing course offered on the Talentedge platform. For a well-rounded knowledge of the latest digital marketing tools, consider enrolling in the MICA digital marketing course. The most significant upside of enrolling for such courses is that the eligibility of criteria of digital marketing certifications is not comprehensive or impossible to achieve.

6. Get Ready for Voice Search

Digital marketing strategies need to be upgraded as per the advancements in technology. And the latest one is voice search. Instead of typing the search queries into Google, people now prefer to ask questions to artificial intelligence softwares like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. Start gathering FAQs related to the business or product you are promoting, curate content to answer them, and publish them across all channels.

7. Optimise Content for Traffic & Give People the Right Answer

Google continually updates its algorithms and ranking parameters. The most fitting way to stay on top of Google search results is by optimising the content. Google aims to provide searchers with the closest possible results for their queries; if you can put your finger on those queries and give searchers the right answers, you’ll have hit the goldmine. Instead of practising black hat SEO and cheap ranking tricks, optimise your strategy and invest in professional writers who can help generate engaging and informational content.

8. Aim for the Best User Experience

Most SEO’s think about only SEO. If you aspire to thrive in this domain, you need to blend all channels to really engage with the users. This is why the website you are promoting should demonstrate authority, sound technical SEO, speed, relevancy, and clickability. By addressing these, you can further enhance the experience by adding call-to-action buttons, galleries, schemas to all technical information, videos, and engaging content. Simply put, aim for the best user experience and not just SEO optimisation.

Convert Knowledge Into Actual Results

Now you have the internal framework that aligns organisational goals with a digital marketing strategy. In-depth knowledge and a solid skillset are all you need to formulate a robust digital marketing strategy. There are several certification courses in digital marketing that can help you get amazing results.

One such course professionals are relying on for expert guidance is the MICA digital marketing course. Offered in collaboration with Talentedge, a reputable Edtech platform, the MICA digital marketing course helps convert theoretical knowledge into practical application. Not just that, but the MICA digital marketing course also help aspiring marketers gain prowess in the latest digital marketing tools which can be leveraged to measure, tweak and improve the progress of campaigns.

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