Categories: Data Science Using R and Excel

Applications of Data Science in Functions of Business

Data is probably one of the most valuable resources today because technology can exploit available information to provide valuable insights to businesses. The massive volume of data generated by companies as part of their daily operations is a treasure trove of beneficial information. Analyzing such information can help companies understand what and why things went right or wrong in their operations. Establishments will be able to optimize the functioning of various departments. Data science helps them do this, and it is necessary to understand the technology before looking at how it can help organizations.

Understanding Data Science

A data science executive program is a method to collect, store, prepare, and analyze internal and external data to extract valuable insights. Data science uses various techniques, tools, and programs to perform these duties. Data is prepared for analysis by cleaning, aggregating, and manipulating it. Data scientists use multiple algorithms, AI, and analytics to go through the data and find patterns that can help arrive at solutions for specific problems. It helps in predicting future events more accurately and helps organizations make better decisions.

Data science depends on many elements for its functioning. Mathematics and statistics are integral parts of data science. Data scientists must be familiar with SQL, data mining, and data integration to assess the usefulness of the information. These also help in preparing data for further use. They use machine learning, AI, and deep learning to gain insights from data analytics. Experts must be able to create programs for automating data processing and calculations. These experts must also be good at storytelling to convincingly explain the results to all stakeholders.

How Does Data Science Work?

Those attending the executive program in business analytics will learn that data science follows a clear path. Whatever be the problem to be solved, the method used is almost the same everywhere. It is essential to follow the process correctly to get the desired results. Before we look at how data science applications affect businesses, it is necessary to understand the procedure. We will look at the different steps of data science to understand how it works.

  1. Defining The Problem

Data analytics courses in India teach that data science is used to solve specific problems an organization faces. So it is essential to understand the problem and define it clearly. Different stakeholders may express the issue differently. The data scientist must understand the situation correctly because otherwise, it will not be possible to collect the correct information and analyze it. The data experts must ask numerous questions to determine what problem the company is trying to solve by using this technology.

  1. Gather Raw Data

Data is available at various places in different forms. Data scientists must usually collect raw data that is necessary for the work. Understanding the solution that the company is looking for help in knowing what information must be gathered and used for the analysis. It may be available in various software packages of the organization. Data experts can extract customer details from CRM packages. But if the experts need market information, they may need to purchase it from outside sources. Collecting the correct data is crucial for achieving the desired outcome.

  1. Processing The Data

The XLRI data science course teaches that the collected information can contain many errors or missing values. In many cases, the data can be disorganized if it hasn’t been appropriately maintained. There could be missing values like initial contact dates for customers. In some cases, the entries may be invalid. It is necessary to go through the datasets with a fine-toothed comb to see if there are any errors. Using data with wrong or missing values could give an inaccurate result.

  1. Exploring The Data

This step is critical. A good data scientist must play with the data to find out what questions could provide answers that can be useful for a business. Suppose the sales department has put forward the problem, then it is necessary to see what insights could be most beneficial for improving their sales. It may be required to find out which product groups have been inactive on social media platforms. Asking questions and finding patterns that could come up with insights is the task of a data scientist.

  1. Analyzing The Data

It is here that data scientists will have to use all their skills to come out with as many patterns as possible from the available information. Such experts can put the statistical and technical knowledge gained from attending an IIM business analytics course to full use. The tools that one has learned to use will also be used for analyzing data. If the right questions are framed, and the most suitable models are created, it is possible to find where the company has been going wrong and what improvements need to be made.

  1. Conveying The Results

Communication skills are essential for a data scientist. These experts must communicate the results of the analysis so that all stakeholders can understand them. Data scientists are given a problem and expected to find solutions for it from the available data. They can analyze past information to arrive at the answers to various questions. But unless these are correctly conveyed to the concerned department, they will take no action. The XLRI Jamshedpur business analytics course tells its students that good communication is as essential as good analytical skills.

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Now that we know how this technology works, it is necessary to find out how companies can improve their business. Almost all departments in a company can benefit from analyzing past data.

Application Of Data Science In Marketing

A highly important function in any company is marketing. Though sales earn revenue, without support from the marketing team, they cannot get the leads or find the right people to sell their products. Marketing is what attracts people to a company or product and spreads its advantages. Hence it is only natural that when considering data science applications in different functions of a company, we take marketing first.

Customer Segmentation

No two individuals think and act in the same manner. This is why the one-size-fits-all never works in marketing. It is necessary to treat every prospective customer as a separate person and send messages that suit the person the most. However, as this is not practically possible, companies group their customers based on various peculiarities. They analyze available data and find out coincidences of specific criteria in groups of people. Companies use the criteria that are most relevant to their products and classify customers accordingly.

Segmentation can be done based on how a person engages with the company. It could be through social media platforms, email, or voice calls. People are also classified based on their purchases. Companies analyze customers’ purchase habits and find similarities that will help them group people and send them similar marketing communication. Data science is also helping companies to perform micro-segmentation. This helps them target smaller numbers of customers with better customization of communication.

Real-Time Analytics

Another valuable support that data science provides to the marketing team is in providing real-time analytics. Before introducing analytics, most organizations had to wait to see the effect of marketing campaigns until sales picked up. This type of use of data helps companies to know the results of their campaigns immediately. Data science helps them optimize the campaigns in real-time and make corrections to improve effectiveness. This technology works with both customer and operational data.

Customer information provides details like their preferences and needs. Operational data reflect on the transactions made by customers. Data science helps companies in finding the right platform for their marketing campaigns. Organizations can provide their customers with a better experience on their websites. It is possible to respond to customer requirements proactively because data science can provide insights into their needs. Those attending a data science executive program will learn how to conduct real-time tests to ensure success in marketing efforts.

Predictive Analytics

This is probably the most popular use of data science that is being used even by smaller companies today. With the massive amount of data, these firms can forecast future events with better accuracy. Predictive analytics is performed for various reasons. Knowing customer behavior in the future is a common aim for which data science is used. Analyzing existing customer behavior information helps to determine how they are expected to buy their needs in the future and what tools they will use for the same.

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Predictive scoring is widely used to prioritize and qualify leads. How will one know which leads will buy the products first and which ones will take longer? An executive program in business analytics says that data science helps companies prioritize their activities to engage hot prospects. Data visualization, another process in data science, is used to find out which products are most suitable for different markets. Predictive analytics models like response modeling, churn analysis, and affinity analysis can enable companies to find high-value customers.

Recommendation Engines

Ever wondered how companies are able to know what you prefer and recommend the exact same products? How are they able to highlight the same features in their products that you are looking for? Recommendation engines are used for this purpose. They study the habits of a customer and find out which products they are most likely to buy. OTT platforms also use the same technology to recommend the movies that one would like to watch. Music apps also use it for bringing up songs that one would prefer to listen to.

Recommendation engines are used to provide a more personalized experience to customers, thus providing them better satisfaction. Different models and algorithms are used for this purpose. Recommendation engines use neural networks, K-nearest neighbor, support vector machines, decision trees, and regression for this purpose. This technology is one of the most preferred ones by marketers when creating emails and campaign messages. Companies use this tool to make customers feel that companies value their preferences greatly.

Marketing Campaign Optimization

Every marketing team is trying to get the best results for their campaigns. Students of data analytics courses in India know that companies aim to send the right messages to precise audiences at the most appropriate time. Data science experts optimize marketing campaigns by using smart algorithms and models and get better results. Automating data collection and analysis helps to reduce time spent on the task and provides real-time results. One can easily notice even the slightest changes in customer behavior and adjust the campaign communication. Companies can achieve a high level of personalization.

Choosing the right and most modern tools are required to make the process more effective. One must also try to integrate these tools with the existing system. Measuring the metrics is also very important for making the campaigns effective. Marketing teams must measure the parameters and compare them with the campaign objectives. Completing these actions will make the marketing campaigns more successful. Data-based decisions will make marketing activities more effective.

Finding Best Channels And Content

All marketing activities aim to reach the right customer. This is possible only if one knows the channels that different customers prefer. Unlike the earlier days, there are quite a few options for people to understand products and companies. This puts organizations in great difficulty to know which channel will be ideal for reaching their target audience for different products. To improve their presence in the market, marketing teams must find the right media and content suitable for each customer segment.

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Companies must choose between search engine optimization, pay-per-click, email marketing, content marketing, or social media marketing to reach their customers. They must also know what content will be most interesting to different customer groups. Finding all these is possible by attending an XLRI data science course. By using this technology, it is possible to find which channels are favored by people of different ages, educational and social backgrounds. Experts can also find out what type of content these people prefer to consume.

Use Of Data Science In Sales

An important function in an organization after marketing should be sales. This is what brings money to the company, and almost all activities in the firm are aimed at selling the products or services it offers. Companies cannot avoid using the most modern and beneficial technology like data science in improving sales. Let us see how it can be used in sales.

Customer Sentiment Analysis

People have an emotional attachment to a brand. This is why there is brand loyalty, and people like to be associated with various popular products. Customer sentiment analysis is a function in which a customer experiences when reading promotional texts is analyzed. Multiple messages in text form appear on social media platforms, emails, messages, and websites. Customers’ comments appearing as text are also analyzed to know their reaction to a company’s marketing campaigns.

Text mining algorithms are used for understanding the sentiment behind customer comments and reviews. There are tools to automate such analysis. These help in getting real-time actionable insights that companies can use for optimizing marketing campaigns. The tools that provide such analysis take into consideration the mood behind every comment. They can know the extent of emotions behind each statement apart from classifying them as positive, negative, and neutral. Such applications help the sales team understand customer moods and change their tactics accordingly.

Improving Customer Lifetime Value

Customers of most products are repetitive and buy these products more than once in their lifetime. They may also recommend the items to their friends. Knowing how much value a customer is going to bring to the company throughout their lifetime will help salespeople prepare their sales plans in a better way. An IIM business analytics course teaches students that data science will enable the sales team to change its approach to increasing customer profitability.

Many parameters are used for calculating a customer’s value. The gross margin, frequency of purchase, and average order value are all considered to calculate customers’ contributions to a firm. Data science experts create smart algorithms that can measure and track changes in data to compare and evaluate them. Customer loyalty programs, newsletters, and personalized messages can all be prepared based on the results of such an analysis. The team metrics are identified, and necessary action is taken to enhance them.

Sales Forecasting

All sales personnel are expected to make sales plans. On this basis, companies predict the revenues they will earn and what expenditures can be made. Most of the company’s projects and expansion programs are planned on the expected revenues. But making a sales plan is not an easy job considering that there are too many factors that the company or its salespeople cannot control. If there are more accurate ways to predict sales volumes, it will help the firm to make better plans.

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Another use of precise sales forecasting is in preventing excessive stock of items that don’t sell too much. Knowing what will sell in the future will help companies stock such items and avoid overstocking of slow-moving products. This will save a lot of money by way of dead stocks and the use of expensive space. Sales forecasting algorithms look for patterns in the company’s data and market information to arrive at a better sales forecast. Such an analysis will also help to know what deals in the pipeline are likely to materialize.

Preventing Customer Churn

Knowing when customers are likely to buy a company’s products is very important. It is also equally important to know when a customer’s journey with the firm comes to an end. It is a sure fact that all customers change their brand loyalty at some point in time. Knowing this will help companies to try and retain such customers. It will also help them in looking at ways to make up for the sales lost due to customer churn. Customer churn refers to the percentage of people who stopped buying an organization’s products or services in a specific period.

Data science uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the behavior of customers who have stopped buying their needs from a company. It looks at the features in communication, behavior, and ordering patterns of such people to know what made them stop and at what point they left the company for another brand. Comparing such data with those of existing customers will help to know exactly which customers will stop buying from the firm and when they will do it. Companies can also take corrective action to reduce customer churn rates.

Recommendations For Cross-Selling

Cross-selling is a phenomenon where companies sell a related item to those who have already purchased something or intend to buy a product from them. This is an excellent way to extend the customer’s journey with the company. Data science tools make recommendations to customers about products that they are most likely to buy. This is based on their purchases or their searches made on a particular website. Companies also look at opportunities to sell an upgraded version of something the customer is already using.

Smart algorithms are created for analyzing past activities of various customers. They go through the transactions of many people and find out which products are often bought together. The analysis helps companies to make personalized offers of additional products to customers. Organizations can also tailor their communication to customers based on what materials they are more likely to buy. An XLRI Jamshedpur business analytics course teaches how companies can offer product combinations to increase sales.

Data Science Applications In Finance

Finance is a department that plays a vital role in any company. This business unit makes sure that the company has enough money for its regular operations and expansion programs. These experts are also tasked with ensuring that whatever money the firm spends will earn the best returns. As they play such a critical role, they must also have access to the latest technologies that will help them perform better. Data science helps the department in improving its efficiency in various ways.

Risk Analytics

Companies face various kinds of risks. There are market risks that can occur due to unpredictable changes in market conditions. Credit risks can occur when customers who have availed of credit facilities fail to pay or delay their payments. Change in government policies, entry of competitors, etc., could also pose a danger to a company. Though it is virtually impossible to avoid all the risks, companies can assess the risks and take necessary precautions to prevent them or reduce their impact.

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Risk analytics is an important function of data science. Using available data, it is possible to multiply the gravity of a risk with the frequency of loss and predict what risks the company faces. Companies can use the huge amount of information available to study the history of transactions and customer information. It is possible to find out the creditworthiness of different customers using this information. Knowing this helps to avoid credit risks to a great extent. Analyzing financial market data helps to predict investment risks and avoid them.

Real-Time Analytics

Before the arrival of data science, the practice of analyzing existing information was very slow. Often when the analysis is done on the available data, it will be too old, and the situations would have changed drastically. Any decision taken after getting insights from such analysis will not be useful in any way. Financial decisions need to be taken quickly, failing which the company could end up making losses. The immediate need is to have up-to-date information about financial markets and investment opportunities.

A data science executive program teaches how to use this technology to analyze financial market conditions and find the best investment opportunities. Various other financial aspects can be analyzed using data science to gain real-time insights. This helps in making decisions that will help organizations to earn better returns on their money. Financial institutions can keep track of various transactions, credit scores, and financial attributes without any delay.

Consumer Analytics

Most financial institutions are moving away from regular activities and offering various products to customers. They are trying to attract customers with a variety of financial products that help people make better investments. Insurance companies are also looking at ways to offer better schemes to people. But all these require detailed knowledge of customer habits and preferences. With competition heating up in this sector, companies must act quickly if they want to grab a major share of the market.

Those who attend the executive program in business analytics know that data science is of great help in understanding customers. Companies can study the behavior of consumers to understand their preferences. This has helped them design products that offer better benefits to people. Insurance companies are also able to avoid losses by selling more products to their existing customers. Data science also enables them to find out the lifetime value of all customers.

Fraud Detection

Today, fraud is the biggest headache for all companies, especially financial institutions. There are many types of frauds being committed, and it was not easy to detect their occurrence and avoid them. As the number of online transactions increases, there is an urgent need to control fraud transactions. Big data analytics is helping greatly in this matter. The data that is generated due to the numerous transactions are helping the experts to find out patterns and deviations from these patterns.

Credit card fraud continues to be the highest on the list. Unlike in the olden days, modern algorithms are helping in making anomaly detection quicker and more accurate. By studying patterns of spending by various customers, it is possible to know immediately if there is any deviation. Such detection can alert financial companies and help in analyzing the transactions immediately and taking necessary action.

Use Of Data Science In Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is an essential function in any company that has a product that they must manufacture and deliver to customers. This requires careful planning and execution of various tasks. Supply chain management starts with purchasing materials and ends with delivering the finished goods to the customer. Those attending data analytics courses in India know that various tasks can be optimized using data science.

Demand Analytics

Most companies must have faced a situation of either having less or more goods at hand. This can be raw materials or finished goods. Both these cases can derail the smooth functioning of a company. When there is less material, the firm will not be able to serve its customers in the best way. If there is an excess stock of items, then the company will lose money by way of investment in dead stocks and space that is occupied by-products that don’t bring any returns.

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The XLRI data science course teaches the method of using data science for finding out the optimal stock for the firm. Past sales data, along with market information, can be used for finding out how much each product will sell in a specific period. With this information, organizations can keep the materials that are exactly needed to meet customers’ demands. These data tools can take into account various aspects like holidays and weather conditions to arrive at an accurate demand for different products.

Procurement Analytics

The major part of the price of goods is taken up by its raw materials. Every product needs a set of raw materials. These must be purchased at a minimum price so that a company can sell its goods at a reasonable price and still earn profits. Another aspect to take care of when procuring raw materials is their quality. Availability must also be checked regularly to ensure that there is no shortage of materials when there are more orders for finished goods.

It is the job of supply chain managers to find the most suitable vendors who can supply high-quality raw materials on time and at reasonable prices. Using various data available, it is possible to use data science methods to find the best vendors and procurement methods. The exercise can help find out suppliers who will be most suitable for their purpose. The scoring method uses the cost of suppliers and vendor quality to identify the best people to buy goods from.

Better Inventory Control

The cost of inventory can be very high if the company doesn’t plan its purchase and production well. If there is less demand for a particular product, a firm must produce less and avoid over-stocking of that item. If there is going to be an increase in sales during a specific season, then the production of goods must be improved, and for this, there must be adequate stocks of raw materials. Many firms end up carrying more raw materials because of a fear of not being able to sell when there is more demand.

An excessive stock of raw materials affects the company’s finances. Money will be spent on items that will not fetch any returns. Data science helps to find the optimum amount of stocks that are needed for a company to execute all orders without carrying excess items. An IIM business analytics course teaches how companies can use predictive modeling to have the right amount of stocks.

Planning Transportation

The final goal of supply chain management is to keep the customers happy. This means that products must be delivered to them at the price and time that they desire. This is possible only if the logistics are in place and the transportation system is efficient. Companies need to transport goods from the vendor to the factory. Once the goods have been produced, these must be transported to a distributor or directly to the customer. There must be no delay in transporting goods if orders must be executed on time.

Those who are attending the XLRI Jamshedpur business analytics course learn how data science can be used to ensure prompt delivery of goods. There are various factors that can delay the goods from reaching their destination. Bad roads and weather conditions can affect the journey. Choosing the right transport agency also plays an important part. Using the available information, data science methods will help in arranging the most suitable vehicle for different deliveries. This will result in customers getting goods on time and having an excellent experience.

Data Science Use Cases In HR

People are the most important factor of any company. They are the ones who have the ideas to execute for the development of the firm. It is thus essential to recruit the right people and make sure that they stay in the firm. There must also be constant monitoring to make sure that the person performs well and is rewarded. Retaining people is very important for all companies as hiring new employees can be very expensive. Let us see how data science can be used for this purpose.


Hiring new employees is a major responsibility of human resource managers. If a company must perform well, its people must possess all the necessary skills to complete their jobs. During the hiring process, HR managers must ensure that they only recruit those who can fulfill their official obligations currently and take up new responsibilities in the future. Errors in this process can end in reduced efficiency of the firm and unnecessary expenditure.

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Data science helps employers find the most suitable persons. Analyzing past data can lead to finding out the top performers in different positions. It will show the human resource managers what skills these people possess and use those details to hire new recruits. Data analysis is also highly useful to find out the availability of suitable candidates for various positions. A data science executive program can teach that predictive analysis also helps in finding workforce forecasting.

Employee Retention

Keeping employees in a company is not easy. There are a lot of opportunities available for good workers, and they can be easily attracted to other firms. The cost of hiring new people is so high that all companies are keen about keeping their existing staff with them. If employees should stay in a company, they must be happy. So how will one find out if they are happy? What are the factors that will keep them satisfied in their position? Data science helps human resource managers understand these.

An executive program in business analytics teaches that companies can find out reasons for leaving by analyzing details of employees who have left the company within a short time. There could be various common factors between these staff members. Sometimes it may be noted that people in a specific team are leaving sooner. It could also show that lack of proper training programs led to workers leaving the firm. Such information helps to correct the situation and improve the retention of employees.

Wrapping Up

It is evident that data science is highly essential for companies to function efficiently and profitably. This technology is also used in other departments to improve their contribution to the company’s success. What people must understand from this is that becoming a data scientist is highly beneficial as there will be increased demand for these experts in the future. There are various data analytics courses in India that can make people highly proficient in data science and make them hot property for employers.

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