Categories: Influencer Marketing

The Rise of Influencer Marketing : Upcoming 2022 Trends

What do Neil Patel, Lilly Singh, Huda Kattan, Grumpy Cat and What’s Up Moms have in common? They all rank among the top marketing influencers. Their followers love them and trust their words.

Influencers can engage with a large audience and have a significant impact on their buying behaviour. So, brands find influencers attractive to work with. The power of influencer marketing is such that it is now the fastest-growing online customer acquisition method!

These influencers can be anyone – a celebrity or a commoner, a person or an animal (search Grumpy Cat on the internet to believe it!), and a blogger or a vlogger. They can have a strong digital presence on any social media channel and adopt any form of content. For example, Neil Patel is popular for his website on marketing blogs; Lilly Singh is a YouTube sensation in comedy; and Huda Kattan is a cult beauty figure on Instagram.

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These influencers are individual personalities who are honest about their opinions and beliefs. They are not apprehensive about sharing it online with the rest of public. That’s what lends respect to their status and makes their voice authentic. Hence, their followers are most likely to trust them if they endorse certain brands. The fact that these influencers have built the number of followers on their own merit also earns them more trustworthiness with their audience.

Brands are leveraging the influence of these people to connect with their target customers. For example, companies which are selling baby products may like to influence parents through What’s Up Moms, a number one parenting network on YouTube with more than 1.6 million subscribers.

Another reason that influencer marketing is gaining popularity with the brands is owing to its effectiveness. The influencer posts or programme do not get shut down by ad blockers. The followers love to hear what their favourite influencers are saying. So, there are no smartphone or commercial breaks involved, and audience engagement is held for a longer time.

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A recent survey has revealed that there has been more than 325% increase in searches for influencer marketing over the last one year in Google alone. More than one-third of marketers surveyed have dedicated a budget for influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is set to gain even further momentum going forward. In fact, it is predicted to become a $5-10 billion market within the next five years.

As a digital marketer, you shouldn’t really miss the opportunities that influencer marketing will bring for your career. In order to gain a competitive edge over your peers, you can benefit from digital marketing courses that specifically cater to influencer marketing. If time is a constraint, you can even opt for online marketing certification programs.

More Information:

Data Analytics Certificate Course

Strategic Human Resources Leadership

Advanced Certificate Program In Digital Marketing

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