Categories: Analytics

10 Real-life Use Cases of Analytics

Data Analytics: Why is it Necessary in Current Times?

Precise calibration and estimates are often used in our daily lives and workplaces to churn out expected results. The visual representation of raw information provides a clear picture of what needs to be achieved and draws mechanisms for optimal results.

The basis of analytics lies in understanding that this is neither a tool nor a technology but rather a way of thinking for dealing with personal or professional issues.

Earlier analytics was performed only using theoretical modelling and drawing if…else scenarios for dealing with issues and listing down the probables.

However, with technology impacting nearly all facets of human life and taking centre stage in organizational setups, there was a need for re-building analytical practices.

With the sheer volume, variety, and different data sources generated today; businesses need to cache existing stockpiles and treat incoming data for analytics.

Several online data analytics courses provided by high-rated universities teach about different methodologies that help survey vast data sets. Accuracy and quick solutions are the rudimentary elements that define a robust method for vetting it thoroughly.

Also Read : What does a career in Data Analytics look like?

Why does data need to be analyzed?

What if data sets were picked at random and used for various purposes?

Which factors come into play while analyzing data?

The answers to the above questions can be unearthed by reading the following article.

All data obtained together from different sources isn’t structured, concise, and ready to work upon later. Therefore it’s vital to treat data sets, and that’s where analytics comes into play.

The roles and responsibilities of data engineers revolve around making sense of data collected and interpreting it further to identify trends, practices, and other information that can help benefit organisations.

The XLRI data science course offers in-depth knowledge about using reform techniques and processes to render insights from data values and use them to a company’s advantage.

Also read : Data Science Engineer Vs Machine Learning Engineer

Why are Data Analytics Courses Vital for Learning about this Domain?

Our daily lives are spent in the sanctity of smartphones, tablets, voice assistants, smartwatches and other innovative tools that bombard us with information backed by data every minute.

There’s a certain level of amazement about how these different data are projected and displayed in real-time. The genius of data analytics lies in influencing these factors of our lives wherein we are submerging in data.

Studying how data is calibrated and analytically researched for further insights can be a thing to marvel at. Therefore, learning about this domain through various data analytics online courses is essential.

Today, data impacts finances and futuristic technologies, bringing in workplace changes and remodelling our lives in general. The world is pacing towards a data-backed channel, and those businesses that don’t follow suit will perish.

Let’s go back twenty years down the line when the Internet took the world by storm and businesses started adopting monitors, contacted ISPs, grabbed unique domain names, took their services online, and since then, the world has moved along with those changes.

Once again, as digitalization gathers steam and data becomes the beacon of growth and ushering success, businesses look to remodel their practices.

With the new and improved machinery available to develop insights from data sources, the technologies such as data science, big data and analytics are expected to take over organizational junctures.

Innovative dimensions for treating data have led to the deployment of credible programs by elite colleges across the country. The XLRI business analytics has been amongst these courses that are rendering conceptual knowledge of these sectors.

These programs highlight the need for studying and applying analytics resources gathered in corporate scenarios.

Also Read : Kickstart your Career in Analytics with Data Science Program

The following list sheds light on major benefits one can reap:-

  • The Data Analysts are in High Demand

  • As per a report generated by Entrepreneur India, the big data industry is expected to grow by an estimated $77 billion by 2023, making it one of the most profitable industries.

  • A survey performed by the Sigma Computing website, the data generated in 2021 is slated to swell enormously by 700% in the next couple of years.

The statistics point to an exponential rise of data across mediums in the coming years. Moreover, the growth highlights how big data and analytics will continue to rise, leading to an increase in analysts in corporate offices.

The biggest advantage of studying data analytics is that it makes an individual ready to take up high-demand roles. There’s a value associated with capable data analysts who sort and scan data sets to render meaningful insights.

The onus is on new and upcoming data analysts to take on these job roles and update their skill sets to command higher salaries and advance lucrative career prospects.

Also Read : 6 reasons for you to opt for big data analytics certification

  • Learn Problem-Solving Skills

With rising complexities and challenging data practices, industries look for employees to solve these issues and offer practical solutions. When problems arise on a large scale, it gets hard to contain them, and hence businesses can suffer losses.

Those professionals who seek education from several data analytics courses online will get the opportunity to develop their problem-solving skills and rendering out of the box solutions.

Quick and efficient problem-solving skills can help approach issues analytically and feasibly deal with them. As with any other, this skill set can be learnt through experience and will only get better as one matures in their job roles.

Also Read : Challenges And Opportunities Of Big Data Analytics In Education Industries

  • Analytics is Omnipresent

“In analytics do we trust” This has been the motto for current businesses. The world is envisioning data analytics bloom, and that has resulted in surplus job opportunities, new roles, and making room for setting up new technologies.

Furthermore, sectors like aviation, retail, governmental, and others embrace analytical tools and techniques to better their business propositions.

This creates a multitude of reasons to study and apply the learnings in these domains.

The integration of analytics with different industries makes it a potent career option since every business today works with some form of data-based tracking and analysis.

Also Read : Applications and Benefits of Business Analytics

  • Is an Ideal Option for Career Longevity

There’s plenty of proof that data science and its associated sectors are growing at an incredible pace. With approximately 2.3 trillion gigabytes of data generated every day, the data stocks aren’t depleting any time soon!

Moreover, the data galaxy almost doubles every year; therefore, corporations will require staff personnel to make sense of the data they generate and render any helpful information.

The expected growth of data analytics this year has been projected to be somewhere around US$7.3 billion, which shows how crucial data analysis is for industries to run smoothly.

The rise and rise of the data analytics sector suggest that the demand for proficient professionals who can fill up these data surveillance roles will always be there.

Analytics offers a sense of job guarantee and career longevity to prospective executives who aim to take up these job positions in the forthcoming future.

Data Analytics Online Courses offer Numerous Benefits

The list of opportunities and advantages rendered by studying online courses in data analytics attracts professionals to acquire these job roles and get a stable career path.

Several studies have shown that data analytics will continue to grow. Hence, with the recent revival of economies, starting or moving into a career that offers job safety and longevity seems to be a decent option.

Also Read : How Data Analytics will look like Post-Covid ?

Furthermore, the vast set of skillsets that data science courses from XLRI and other respectable institutions teach can help professionals perform their duties nicely and make reformed decisions.

“The future belongs to those who plan for it.”

The quote above by Malcolm X highlights the need for planning and execution for setting up future practices. It offers a profound lesson and can be applied in data analytics that is constantly developing technologies and rendering devices, tools and smart solutions that can assist businesses in bettering their outputs and generating more revenues.

The futuristic applications and devices rendered by the analytics environment undergo a selective process that brings those ideas and visions into reality.

Also Read : Importance of Financial Analytics

Understanding the Data Analytics Process

The world of data sets is led by understanding its collective process and its phases in bringing clarity over information collected by different sources.

The data analytics process is called deep, an eternal life cycle that looks over raw data sets to derive a conclusion. Upon completing the data analytics process, the information gathered is converted into a readable form to share across different employees, managers, and other corporate associates.

Here’s a brief skeletal of data analytics process that is central to organizational growth:-

Also Read : Best Analytic Processes and Big Data Tools

Data Analytics Process

The seven-step process labelled above shows a data journey from a mere value in a database to a more delicate piece of information that can significantly help businesses.

Applying these steps helps in devising a comprehensive set of applications and tools that end-users can use.

Data Analytics Process
Step 1 = Deployment
Step 2 = Data Exploration
Step 3 = Business Understanding
Step 4 = Data Preparation
Step 5 = Data Modelling
Step 6 = Data Evaluation
Step 7  = Data Representation & Report Generation

Also Read : How to Become a Data Analyst in 2021: A Complete Guide

10 Real Life Use Cases of Analytics

When it comes to data analytics and understanding its different applications and tools, one doesn’t have to look far to find them since we use most of these devices.

The familiarity with how essential devices such as smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, keyword searches, and other related things work gives an edge for working professionals to apply them while developing future products.

As learners will see while studying business analytics from XLRI courses, data collection is one of the rudimentary aspects of analysis.

Data science is the primary flag bearer for leading technological advancements and analytics being a subset to offer data sets.

There are several real-life applications of data analytics that make it the go-to technology for offering customized solutions:-

Also Read : BIG DATA DEMYSTIFIED –A Real Life Case Study where Data Science shed incredible insights!

  • Medical Image Analytics

The field of healthcare incorporates several applications that input patients’ readings and maintain their records daily.

One of the various tools it offers includes medical image analytics that helps uncover a patient’s lung texture categorization, inherent procedures like detecting malignancies, artery stenosis, and organ delineation use a variety of methodologies and frameworks like MapReduce.

The other medical software, including Genetics and Genomics, is used to leverage a higher level of therapy customization.

The prime objective of healthcare-based analytics is to discover specific biological links that combine genetics, illnesses, and medication response in order to understand the influence of DNA and RNA on human health.

Also Read : Learn Techniques to Analyse Soaring Data Through Data Analytics Certification Courses

  • Website Recommendations

How often have you experienced typing the first few words of a website, the browser auto-generates its full name or gives suggestions?

Perhaps numerous times, the introduction of recommendations has been a major step towards advertising and modern marketing solutions.

With every advancement occurring in this data-based age, several developments have changed how businesses are delivering their services, goods, and products to end-users.

The recommendations have been a vital cog in creating USPs for leading brands. It is aggressively utilized by Amazon, Twitter, Google Play, Netflix, Linkedin, IMDb, and many more to improve customer experiences.

Also Read : What to Expect from the Future of Data Analytics

  • Applications in E-commerce Industry

The entire face of the E-commerce industry has changed, and it has been instrumental in rendering data analytics techniques for optimizing operations.

The XLRI data science courses, along with studying basic machine learning principles, will guide professionals about how Natural Language Processing and analyzing customer purchases assist in devising marketing strategies.

E-commerce websites carefully survey texts and online questionnaires to understand users’ perspectives and deliver goods as per their preferences.

The several uses of data analytics in E-commerce surroundings help recognise customer bases, predict sales of goods and services, and leverage collaborative and content-based filtering.

Also Read : What is the Use of Data Science in an Organization?

  • Airline Route Planning

Today, the airline industry is well prepared to handle any adversity and overcome obstacles in different forms.

The various data analytics courses online highlight how different tools and techniques are being used for navigating flights and helping them reach on time.

Analytics plays a titular role in addressing several areas of airport route planning and identifying areas that need improvement.

Furthermore, the airline industry uses data analytics to make various strategic decisions such as anticipating flight delays, selecting which aircraft to buy and its other features, planning routes and layovers for travelling, and developing marketing tactics such as customer loyalty programmes.

Also Read : Understanding the Difference Between Data Analytics And Business Analytics

  • Text-Based and Advanced Image Recognition

One of the potent and practical utilizations of data analytics comes to the fore through their application of identifying text and other image-based patterns for their identification.

The speech recognition technology developed ten years ago went mainstream in the last five years, comprehending and evaluating words/commands given out by humans and carrying out their actions accordingly.

Image recognition, too, has entered our social media platforms with Instagram, Facebook and even Twitter offering options for tags while posting group pictures.

  • Fraud Detection

The field of finance has been a loyal user and promoter of data analytics. The advent of fraud detection has been a game-changer for analyzing and reducing risks along with losses incurred by organizations.

The interconnection between fraud detection and data analytics both require large amounts of data for concluding. Traditionally, companies performed a lot of paperwork for authorizing loans, keeping them updated and settling debts.

However, with the inception of analytically fuelled data practices, the segregation in terms of consumer profiles, historical expenditures and other characteristics can be performed for assessing risk possibilities.

  • Renders Customer Insights and Information about their Behaviour

The data analytics courses online inform students about how this technology can be used for rendering customer insights. With different sources of extracting consumer data, leveraging analytics makes it easier to obtain this information.

Retailing firms today collect information each time a customer visits their website and interacts with online posts. Then, consumers may add an item to their shopping carts, make purchases and do other tasks.

Once all the above information has been sent into the system, data engineers then match a customer’s profile with their email addresses, credit card details and other social media handles.

The sole purpose of getting these customer insights is to ensure companies understand their target audience and help unearth the factors that help in guaranteeing their products satisfies end-users needs.

Also Read : Make data analytics work for you; not the other way around

  • Drug Deployment

The field of nanotechnology has joined hands with data analytics to perform drug deliveries.

Data analytics has played a major role in setting up the first-ever screening of medical compounds through variables based on success parameters, intelligent applications and machine learning algorithms for shortening the process.

Instead of conducting regular lab tests, the algorithms offered by machine learning software and data accumulated by analytical practices combine to predict how a specific chemical will behave in the body using extensive mathematical modelling and live simulations.

The prime objective of computational drug delivery is to develop computer-based model simulations for forming an appropriate psychological network.

These networks are then broken down further for anticipating future events and observing medical treatments.

  • Energy Management

The newfound role of data analytics in managerial energy reserves can be linked to grid management, energy optimization practices, distribution of these reservoirs in building utility-based companies.

Data analytics perhaps is one of the best drivers of energy management services since it focuses on controlling and surveying a dispatch crew, network devices installed for carrying out energy management services and looking after power outages.

Since these utilities integrate nearly millions of data points within network performance, engineers can incorporate data analytics in monitoring these services.

  • City Planning

Another area wherein data analytics has found its feet today include the world of city planning. It has been utilized in developing less cluttered and congested cities that have minimal architectural faults.

The introduction of data analytics in city planning leads to increasing accessibility and minimizing overloading in large metropolitan cities. The overall efficiency of the planning process can increase manifold if the projects and city plans are backed by data analysis.

For example, the planning that undergoes in erecting a building in a suitable spot that is being done using data analytics can lead to predicting whether it will be beneficial in that place or not, thus saving time and money for corporations.

Data Analytics Proves to be Multi-Purpose

Just like salt can be added to any dish for enhancing its taste and satiating one’s taste buds, similarly data analytics solves the same purpose.

As seen from the applications listed above, data analytics can be used in different fields to increase a certain firm’s outputs, efficiency, and profits.

The role of analytics in finessing customer-based goods, planning city development models, solving energy management issues, image recognition, devising routes for air travel, performing keyword searches, rendering E-commerce solutions and others.

Also Read : Understanding the Role of Analytics in Modern Operational Settings

Data Analytics: Providing Use Cases in Nearly All Domains

Data analytics technology has caused a revolution in making our modern environment tech-savvy and providing applications that fit well with our daily lifestyle practices.

Professionals who aim to construct these applications can enrol in data analytics courses online offered by elite universities and get the right tutelage to combine their practical knowledge and practical tools in modelling analytically driven services.

The several benefits offered by XLRI data science come to the fore in clarifying any issues aspiring professionals might have regarding these career roles.

However, there are specific FAQs that executives might need to look at to clear any doubts they have prior to pursuing these career roles.

FAQs Associated with Data Analytics

The following list narrows down the most common FAQs that new professionals face:-

Q. What are the best Data Analytics available online?

Ans: The XLRI business analytics and data science programs provide a solid base for pursuing analytics.

Q. What is a big data analytics course?

Ans: They are a set of data analytics courses online that teach theoretical concepts of big data and its real-world applications.

Q. Which is the best analytical course for digital marketers?

Ans: The XLRI business analytics offers a holistic view of key digital operations.

Q. Is it worth doing analytics courses?

Ans: Yes, absolutely, since it can help professionals formulate successful careers.

Q. Who can do business analytics courses?

Ans: Those graduates that have a degree in Business Analytics or other closely related fields can pursue this course.

Q. What does a data analytics course include?

Ans: It includes course modules teaching different facets of analytics along with essential practical tools.

Q. Which enterprises use data analytics?

Ans: Retail, healthcare, aviation and others extensively use data analytics.

Q. How can data-backed strategies help businesses?

Ans: It can help render insights from data sets possessed by an organisation to understand market trends, influences and other insights that come in handy while developing future plans.

Q. What sort of data is required for analytics?

Ans: Clean, structured and mined data is optimal for drawing results.

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