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About The Institute


Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering institute that nurtures some of the world's brightest minds and most innovative tools to address fundamental scientific questions and pressing societal challenges. The Institute was founded in September 1891 by Pasadenian Philanthropist Amos Throop in the rented Wooster Block building in Pasadena. 

Present-day Caltech is an independent, privately supported institution with a 124-acre campus located in Pasadena, California. The Institute manages JPL for NASA, sending probes to explore the planets of our solar system and quantify changes on our home planet. Caltech also owns and operates large-scale research facilities such as the Seismological Laboratory and a global network of astronomical observatories, including the Palomar and W. M. Keck Observatories, co-founded and co-managed by LIGO. The mission of the California Institute of Technology is to expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education. 

Fullstack Academy

Fullstack Academy is a national tech education provider based in New York City. Founded in 2012, it offers web development, cybersecurity, data analytics, product management, and DevOps bootcamps. Fullstack Academy also offers the Grace Hopper Program, an immersive software engineering course for women and non-binary students, in addition to partnerships with leading universities across the United States. Graduates have been hired by Google, Facebook, Amazon, Fortune 100 firms, and startups.

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Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering institute that nurtures some of the world's brightest minds and most innovative tools to address fundamental scientific questions and pressing societal challenges. The Institute was founded in September 1891 by Pasadenian Philanthropist Amos Throop in the rented Wooster Block building in Pasadena. 

Present-day Caltech is an independent, privately supported institution with a 124-acre campus located in Pasadena, California.... Read More


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