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How to Develop a Successful Marketing Strategy?

Whether you are working for a finance firm, a shoe manufacturer, or a digital signage company, every business needs a robust marketing strategy. In the past few years, competition has gotten so fierce that brands are going above and beyond to market their products and services.   Take Zomato, for example. The brand sent out […]

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What Skills Does a Social Media Manager Need?

Unlike before, the modern business scenario has naturally adapted itself to the world of digital marketing. Given the phenomenal rise of digital marketing, the importance of a social media manager has increased like no other job. Today, every business company demand a social media manager who can integrate the online marketing ‘fundas’ in the overall […]

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How Good is the Scope of Career in Digital Marketing in 2022?

The digital marketing industry is growing at a rate of 33.5%, which is higher than any other sector. By the end of 2022, the Indian digital marketing industry will produce more than 20 Lakhs jobs. So, this says it all about the impact of digitization in the coming years. But, professionals who are thinking to […]

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Why is Performance Management Critical for Workforce Planning?

Business case studies in academics or commentary on successful corporates in popular media are almost always obsessed with marketing or product innovation. There is little or no regard to the role HR plays in contributing to an organization’s success.  Behind the scenes, it is the HR that aligns the resources to the organizational strategy and […]

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Digital Marketing

It’s been more than a decade and a half since digital marketing was introduced. That’s right!  It’s not a new concept. It’s just growing tenfold every passing year.   Today, digital marketing has become the mainstay method for companies to market and promote their products to a larger audience. However, to learn digital marketing is […]

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Understanding the Significance of Republic Day in India

When is the Republic Day of India celebrated, and why? What does the term “Republic” even mean? Why is the Indian Republic Day and Independence Day celebrated on different days? As Republic Day comes closer, more and more of these questions come to mind. But we seldom get satisfactory answers. By the end of the […]

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Three Key Aspects of Digital Marketing

These days digital marketing is an essential part of an overall marketing strategy for every business. The World Wide Web is huge and marketing on it can be overwhelming because it is so vast that you can’t really cover it all! Three aspects of digital marketing in mind can get you covered   1. Website […]

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6 Skills You Need to Succeed in Cyber Security

With every business going online and transactions happening electronically, the demand for Cybersecurity professionals is more than ever. In fact, given the way the digital world is progressing so fast, there are and will be umpteen opportunities for cybersecurity experts.   Many job aspirants have realized the career growth prospects in this field and have […]

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Best Digital Marketing Courses of All Time

Best Digital Marketing Courses of All Time Aspiring to build a career in digital marketing? Do you wish to hone your existing digital marketing skillset? Do you wish to gain in-depth and up-to-date knowledge in the domain? Or maybe, you are just looking to acquire new, market-ready skills to cope up with evolving technologies.   […]

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Upcoming Digital Marketing Tools and Techniques Marketers Need to Know

Innovation in the Field of Digital Marketing   The word innovation is often associated with a creative field such as digital marketing that always has developments and evolutions taking place. A sector that undergoes changes every now and then needs to develop its technologies, strategies, plans and other attributes.   Digital Marketing as a sector […]

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